Sweet holidays and symbiosis!

  Hello everybody, and welcome back to my blog! These two past weeks have been busy ones. On November 11 was Veterans Day, and in science class we made a class slide on symbiosis. So I that you guys enjoy this weeks blog post! 


      Veterans Day

  On Veterans Day a teacher named Mrs. Huster’s parents took us by surprise! Mrs. Huster’s dad came to share with us about what his experience was while he was in the Army. He told us about how hard it was for him to be away from his family and how he had to leave when Mrs. Huster was a baby. His wife was also there talking about how hard it was for her when he had to leave. 


You may or may not be asking yourself “What is symbiosis?” well let me tell you it’s pretty simple! Symbiosis is where an animal is getting benefitted or is not affected and even an animal could be harmed Symbiosis is separated into 3 different categories… 





Mutualism: is where both animals get the benefit that they need


Commensalism: is where one animal is benefited but the other animal is not affected


And Finally… 


Parasitism: is where one animal is getting the benefit that they need and the other animal is harmed


Well that is all for this weeks blog post, I hope you all enjoyed Bye!



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